My first attempt at a starlapse. Location Besania Hill in Mukono Uganda. All of the shots are composed of RAW pictures, except from one that zooms in on the radio tower, which is shot in HDR. I shot the pictures on my Canon 550d in manual mode using a shutterspeed of 15 seconds with 400 or 800 ISO value (I kept the ISO low, because the moon was out too). After processing in Lightroom and Quicktime pro I editted the movie in Final Cut Pro also adding some motion in the shots with the use of keyframes.
Unfortunately I ran into some issues while shooting the RAW stills, possible because of the Magic Lantern firmware. After a varying amount of pictures on each of the three shots the camera froze and I got an error stating: “Error 070, switch of camera and remove battery or card”. Besides these issues I noticed that even though I switched of auto playback in the menu, took the camera out of the live view and turned the display of at some point the camera would ignore this and show me the pictures I shot anyhow. I had a look in both the Canon an Magic Lantern menus to see if there were any strange functions turned on, but this wasn’t the case. Googling for the errors didn’t give me a possible cause or solution as well. So if anyone can enlighten me on this matter I would be very gratefull!
RL said, Holyshit dude, this looks great for a first attempt!
Hope to see more of this splendid time-lapse stuff.
Kid said, So much awesome.